Friday, July 17, 2009

More of Glenn Beck is a Fucking Moron

Openly Mocks People Trying to do Something Good

Beck blasts studio lights "to show that I am such a supporter of Earth Hour"

Beck "wants to hear from" people who "cut some trees down tomorrow to celebrate Earth Day"

Beck giddy over caller hunting and cutting down trees on Earth Day: "This is like nirvana here ... This is eroticism"

Points Out Paranoid Theories or Connections With No Factual Basis

Links Obama administration's swine flu public health emergency declaration to already scheduled Sebelius confirmation vote

Beck claims "the global warming movement... is about population control"

Beck declares phrases "lives in the real world," is "compassionate" and "understands social justice" are really "code language for Marxism"

Beck on ACORN "brownshirts" and "their henchmen" at SEIU: "[T]hey break kneecaps... Maybe they do, maybe they don't, I don't know"

Beck claims his former ACORN guests are "in danger" for opposing further ACORN funding

Beck suggests ACORN may kill him for his coverage of them

Beck claims struggling states are in danger of "los[ing] their sovereignty" because federal gov't will "nationalize" them

Beck's Red Scare: Sotomayor appointment more evidence of a Marxist "hostile takeover" of the U.S.A.

Beck anti-ACORN conspiracy video asks: "Is the crisis exactly what ACORN wants us to be in?"

Beck: "I'm not saying that Obama has an enemies list, but I wouldn't put it past him either"

Another Beck conspiracy theory: Maybe Treasury is "selling black market bonds"

Citing "connections" that "no one's even looking for," Beck declares ACORN and AmeriCorps "branches of the same tree"

Points Out People Apparently Want Him To Run For Office?

Beck resists call to run for office, saying "What do you mean we're out of missiles?" would be the "most overused phrase in my administration"

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